Let Sagamore Beach Chiropractic in Sagamore Beach Massachusetts help you live a pain free life.

Millions of americans suffer from varying degrees of low back pain. As many as 85% it’s estimated. But what causes low back pain? Let me break down some of the most common causes for you to see if Dr. Brian Douglas DC at our sagamore beach chiropractic office may be of help to you. Sagamore Beach Chiropractic serves many from Plymouth Massachusetts as we are located right on the Bourne/Plymouth town line.


Anywhere in the body where two bones meet is called a joint. There are 24 vertebra in the human spine and approximately 2 joints per vertebrae so that’s about 48 joints. The spine is meant to be able to flex, bend and twist to allow for great amounts of motion. Think of your spine as a support column as it runs down the middle of your body bearing your weight. When all of the vertebra are properly aligned the joints are lined up correctly and can operate properly to allow for motion.

As we go through life there are many physical stressors that can cause the vertebra to misalign. For example: Car accidents, sports injuries, slips on the ice are such stressors. Others forms of stress can include the way you’re positioned at your job. Do you sit at a computer all day? Do you sit in a car all day? These types of stress physically force the spinal vertebra out of normal alignment.

When the vertebra are out of alignment the joints no longer line up correctly and instead of smoothly gliding past each other they grind away at each other. After a while of the joints grinding they become inflamed and painful. Chiropractic adjustments gently help the body restore better joint alignment so the grinding stops thus decreasing the pain.

Disc Problems: Sagamore Beach Chiropractic in Sagamore Beach, MA has helped many people in the plymouth, MA , Buzzards Bay and Cape Cod area with pain from Bulging discs and herniated discs with a unique protocol.

Discs are like cushions between the vertebra. They disperse the weight of the body and allow for motion of the spine. Disc have a tough gristly outer ring and a gel like center. If the spine is subjected to injury and/or stress the discs can get squished and bulge from their proper position. Disc bulges usually result from pressure over time although a severe enough trauma, like a bad car accident, can force a disc to bulge instantly. If a disc bulges out of its position too far it can press up against spinal nerves that are nearby. Resulting nerve pressure can cause: Low back pain, sciatica, numbness/pain in the legs and muscle weakness. In most cases Dr. Brian Douglas of village family chiropractic, Sagamore Beach MA can help disc related pain quickly with a unique blend of rehab exercises,  adjustments and decompression therapy.

What is a Herniated disc? Dr. Douglas always takes the time to address his patients questions and this is a FAQ!

A herniated disc is when the gel like center of the vertebral disc, known as the nucleus pulposus, is forced through the outer ring. A herniated disc is more severe than a bulging disc alone because the outer fibrous ring has usually been torn to allow the nucleus to break through. Many herniations cause inflammation in the spine similar to the way a sprained ankle gets inflamed through a chemical response. Acute disc herniation pain is best addressed with ice and slow motion of the spine.

Once a disc is herniated it will never be 100% healthy again. The most important thing to do is get the pressure of the disc which has caused the problem in the first place and then strengthen the spine. This will minimize the potential for further progressive degeneration and bouts of pain and the back “going out”.

Muscle problems: Dr Brian Douglas DC  of  Sagamore Beach Chiropractic can get to the root of muscle problems causing pain in your spine.

Some times the pain in your lower back (or neck) can come from muscles. The muscles of your lower back are supporting the entire weight of your body above. So first off if your lower back muscles are weak they will fatigue easily and become sore. Dr Brian will recommend an active strengthening program for you to do at home if this is the case.

Muscle injury

Sometimes trauma to the body can pull, strain, sprain or even tear muscles in the spine causing pain. If a muscle is pulled, sprained or strained (became overstretched) rest and time will allow the muscle to heal. If you have torn a muscle, which is fairly uncommon in the lower back, you may take more time to heal or even require minor surgery.


Village family chiropractic in Sagamore Beach, MA serves hundreds of people suffering from stress related pain in the Buzzards Bay, Wareham, Sandwich,Plymouth Massachusetts and Cape Cod area. Emotional stress from financial and personal pressure can cause muscles to become tightened. Extended periods of tightened muscles leads to pain. Dr. Brian Douglas DC offers specific techniques to unwind muscle tightness and release stress from within the muscles to reduce pain.

We would love the opportunity to help you live life to the fullest through better health the chiropractic way. Our Sagamore Beach Chiropractic office offers the latest in spinal correction science and technology. If you are looking for a chiropractor in the Bourne, Plymouth, Buzzards Bay, Wareham or sandwich area please call for a free consultation. Sagamore Beach Chiropractic offers spinal decompression therapy, exercise programs and nutritional counseling as well. We look forward to serving you!