Free Chiropractic Consultation

We’d Like to Invite You to Come in for a Free, No Obligation Consultation

Are you experiencing any physical discomfort? This may include: back pain, arm pain, shoulder, neck, or leg pain, trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, pinched nerves, bulging discs, or any other condition that is limiting your full enjoyment of your life? Please come in for a free, no obligation consultation.

Dr. Brian Douglas of Sagamore Beach Chiropractic in Sagamore Beach sets aside some office hours each week to meet with anyone suffering from any physical condition who may be curious about chiropractic and its many life-changing benefits.

Simply fill out the short form on the right side of this page. (your name and contact number is all that’s required) and our office staff will contact you during business hours to schedule a free consultation for you. No obligation and no charge. We want everyone to experience optimum health. Why would you not set up an appointment? You have nothing to lose but the pain.

Sagamore Beach Chiropractic is a well-established Family Practice, trained in providing excellent chiropractic treatment for you and your entire family; all ages and physical conditions.

Find Local Relief For a Variety of Pain Conditions

Located right here in beautiful Sagamore Beach, we are a well-established family practice serving you and your entire family: all ages and all physical conditions.

  • Neck pain
  • Low Back Pain
  • Sciatic Pain
  • Bulging/Herniated Disc
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Pain/Numbness/Tingling in Limbs
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • TMJ Jaw Pain
  • Forward Head Posture
  • Slouching/Posture Disorder
  • And More…