Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is characterized by pain in the wrist and the palm of the hand. It can be extremely painful in certain cases. It is created by tension on the median nerve which originates at the mid to lower neck and travels all the way down to the hand.  It can be caused by repetitive use of the hands especially in those who type on keyboards frequently or other occupations that require continuous use of the hand and wrist. Common medical management of carpal tunnel syndrome include wearing wrist braces for support and surgery to enlarge the “carpal tunnel” which is a small passsage way that the median nerve travels through at the wrist.

Dr. Brian Douglas DC of Sagamore Beach Chiropractic in Sagamore Beach has helped many people from the Bourne, Plymouth, Buzzards Bay, Sandwich and Wareham area become free from carpal tunnel syndrome.

The most over looked cause of Carpal tunnel syndrome is malpostion of the neck vertebra. Spinal misalignments in the neck cause pressure and/or stretching on the origin of the median nerve and refer pain all the way down to the wrist. Chiropratic care has achieved overwhelming success in managing carpal tunnel syndrome for the past century. Chiropractic is a painless and safe procedure to remove the cause of carpal tunnel syndrome. Surgery is often effective but should be the last resort.

Dr. Brian Douglas of Sagamore Beach Chiropractic in Sagamore Beach, MA would love the opportunity to see if he can help you live a healthier pain free life. Please call for a free consultation to see if we can help your carpal tunnel syndrome at 508-888-3949.

Sagamore Beach Chiropractic also offers pain relief from sciatica, low back pain, headaches, neck pain and many other conditions. Dr. Brian Douglas DC also offers spinal decompression therapy for faster bulging disc pain relief .