Chiropractic can have miraculous results on the human body because it helps the central nervous system work better. All organs and tissues of the body are controlled by the central nervous system including the eyes. Dr. Brian Douglas DC of Sagamore Beach Chiropractic in Plymouth MA / Sagamore Beach MA offers chiropractic adjustments to restore health. Chiropractic is well known to help Back pain, Headaches, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Sciatica, Migraines, digestive difficulty, pain in the shoulders and many more conditions. Every person, young or old, benefits from chiropractic care. Chiropractic gets people out of pain and keeps healthy people pain free and healthier.
Village family chiropractic is Plymouth MA’s chiropractic resource center. Dr. Brian Douglas also offers spinal decompression therapy for bulging disc pain and herniated disc related pain. If you live in Plymouth MA and need a chiropractor we welcome you to have a free consultation with Dr. Brian in his Sagamore Beach office.
Village family chiropractic in Sagamore Beach serves Plymouth MA, Bourne MA, Buzzards Bay MA, Wareham MA, Sandwich MA, and the entire Cape Cod Canal area. Please check out our website above!